About Me

Hey there!  My name is Sharelle Washington!  I am a wife, a mother of two beautiful children, a lover of fitness, nutrition, & helping others!  I am also a Beachbody coach which is how I found my passion for health & fitness! I decided to become a coach with Beachbody after I had my youngest child, Railynn.  When I went into labor I was 212 pounds!!  I had a gained a total of 77 pounds during that pregnancy.  After giving birth & waiting the required time to workout, I was completely stuck, I had no idea how I was going to get the weight off or even where to start!  It was then that I met my coach & she introduced me to Beachbody, their workout programs & Shakeology!  From that day forward I was hooked!  For once in my life I finally had a plan when it came to my health & fitness.  Today I have lost total of 84 pounds simply working out in my home, eating right, & drinking Shakeology!

Becoming a Beachbody coach has not only changed my life physically but it has changed my life emotionally, spiritually, & financially!  But not only has it changed my life, it has changed my family's life!  The fact that my husband & I are both able to stay at home with our children & build a business by each others side is a dream come true that we honestly never thought in a 100 years would be possible! We have both been able to find ourselves & finally feel like we have found our purpose in life.  We are making our dreams a reality TOGETHER, as a family!  And the real beauty in all of this, is that we get to share this amazing opportunity with others so that they too can make their dreams come true!! 

*Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much*

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