Saturday, March 11, 2017

Seafood Pizza


Pizza night is our favorite night and has always been a weekend tradition for us, Papa Johns, popcorn, cookies, and movies all night!  After we started our fitness journey, we obviously wanted to keep the tradition going which allowed us to get creative with pizza night and instead of the usual takeout with white carbs, bad fats, processed meats, and cheeses, we have been making our own!  It also gets the kids excited and in on the fun of actually making their own pizza!  They really enjoy it more than waiting for delivery, SURPRISE!! And guys it couldn't be easier to make your pizza right at home with fresh and yummy ingredients, and it taste better!!

So I really wanted a Red Lobster, lobster style pizza so I completely made up this recipe and there are no exact measurements, LOL!! But you can pretty much eyeball your ingredients and use a little or as much as you would like, and as with any pizza, the recipe for this can be adjusted depending on what YOU like! :)


1 large wheat flat bread pizza (store bought)
crab meat
red onion
cherry tomatoes
mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese


First I cooked the shrimp and crab meat together in a pan with olive oil and seasoned with onion powder, garlic powder, and Himalayan salt.  I melted the butter and garlic in a bowl in the microwave (again no exact measurements, I just guesstimated how much based on what WE like), drizzleed the butter over the flat bread pizza, then I topped the pizza with mozzarella cheese, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, and basil.  Baked it for about 15 minutes at 375 F, until the cheese started to melt, and the veggies are starting to cook.  Then I took it out the oven, topped the pizza with the shrimp and crab meat, sprinkled Parmesan cheese and a little more mozzarella cheese over top, and put it back in the oven for about 5 to 7 more minutes.  Just be sure to watch the pizza closely.  Once the pizza is done, I took it out of the oven, and drizzled it with a little more of the butter and garlic mixture I made in the beginning, reminding me of Papa Johns famous garlic butter sauce that I LOVE, just without the added guilt! ;)  We also had it with a side of buffalo cauliflower, one of our favorite sides to have with pizza!

It was SO good yall, we made it two nights in a row! LOL!!  Friday and Saturday were both pizza nights with no complaints!  I hope you guys enjoy the pizza and as always, let me know if you try it! You won't be disappointed!! ;)

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Homemade & Healthy Alfredo Sauce

Anyone else obsessed with Alfredo Sauce?! I mean seriously, I could eat chicken Alfredo pasta for every meal my friends! So when I whipped up this homemade AND not to mention, HEALTHY Alfredo sauce.. I was in heaven!! So I knew it was a must share!!

Also, I'm sure you all know now that cauliflower is the new wave and you can literally make your most favorite and unhealthy meals out of cauliflower, LOL!! We have made SOOO many things out of cauliflower, that I knew there had to be a way to make Alfredo sauce with cauliflower!  To my surprise, it was a successful meal, and super simple, which is my favorite kind of meal by the way! :)

Below is chicken, bacon, mushroom, and broccoli Alfredo with no pasta ;) and a side of quinoa with brown rice!

Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes


  • 1 cauliflower head
  • 1/2 cup hot cooking water
  • 1/2 chicken bullion cube
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon of minced garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper (to taste)

Clean the cauliflower head from green leaves, and chop it into reasonably large but manageable pieces. Place it in the big sauce pan with water, bring to boil, and boil for 30-40 minutes until cauliflower is really soft. Remove from heat and drain cauliflower from water. Dissolve 1/2 of a chicken bullion cube in 1/2 cup of very hot cooking water.  In a food processor or blender, combine drained cauliflower and chicken bullion, with 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, and 1/4 teaspoon of salt, and Healthy Alfredo Saucestir really well, until a very creamy sauce is formed.  Transfer sauce into a large sauce pan and keep it warm on the stove top. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Clean Crab Cakes

Oh my gosh so I was craving crab cakes like a crazy woman but could not find a "clean" crab cake recipe to save my life so my husband said, "Why don't you make your own?"  He's a genius right?!  LOL But he was right!  A lot of times we get wrapped up into searching for clean recipes when we can create that clean recipe ourselves, it may just take a little more thought ;) But if you're looking for a clean crab cake recipe, try this one out, it was DELICIOUS!! AND for all my Beachbody peeps, it's 21 Day Fix Approved!!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes


  • 12 ounces of lump crab meat
  • 3/4 cup of Panko Breadcrumbs or any kind of bread crumbs you may have handy will work
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • half of a chopped onion
  • half of a red pepper
  • 2 tablespoon of plain Greek yogurt
  • Himalayan salt, pepper, garlic powder, & onion powder to taste

Spay your baking sheet with the cooking spray and preheat oven to 400 degrees.  In a bowl combine the Panko bread crumbs, eggs, Greek yogurt, crab meat, & seasonings to taste.  Mix everything together until evenly mixed.  I then put the crab mixture in the fridge for about 15 minutes.  Remove the crab mixture from the fridge and form into patties.  Place crab patties in the oven for 10 minutes, flip patties, and cook on the other side for 10 minutes.  Serve immediately!  I served my crab cakes over a bed of roasted garlic quiona with a side of veggies but you can have it over a bed of brown rice or by itself!  After coming up with my own crab cake recipe, I didn't have the patience to come up with a sauce LOL so we just topped it with a drizzle of hot sauce!  YUM YUM!!  


Monday, February 8, 2016

Stuffed Zucchini Pizza Swords

These stuffed zucchini pizza swords has become one of my family's favorite meals!!  It's already been requested for dinner again this week!  They are so easy to make, delicious, & CARB LESS!  You guys know I live for carb less dinners :)  This one is perfect & kiddo APPROVED #DoubleWin

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes


  •  Mini zucchinis (I did 2 per person)
  • 1lb of lean ground beef or turkey
  • 2 cups of sugar free marinara 
  • Mozzarella/ Cheddar cheese
  • Grape tomatoes 
  • 1 onion
  • 1 green pepper

Chop onions & green peppers. Cook ground turkey/beef, onions, & green peppers in a pan until all parts of the meat have browned – I cooked mine in a little extra virgin olive oil w/ a few twists of Himalayan salt.  Mix in your marinara & return to a low heat.  Cut your zucchini in half, use a spoon to dig out the center to make an indent.  Top your zucchini with the meat mixture & top it off with tomatoes.  Cook in the oven on 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until the zucchini is cooked through & semi soft.   5 minutes before your swords are done, sprinkle with cheese!  ENJOY your swords & try not to hurt anyone!! :) 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Taco Night with Homemade Taco Seasoning

Who else loves a good taco night like me?  I mean really I could have tacos every freaken day of the week, it's ridiculous! LOL

Who else uses those high sodium taco seasoning packs?!  Just me?  I doubt it but I know they are super convenient!  But oh my gosh those suckers are filled with so much sodium & yes even the "low sodium" packs STILL have a lot of sodium in them!

I finally said ENOUGH is ENOUGH & I made my own taco seasoning!  :Emoji Shock Face: I had been saying it for weeks, shot even months that I was going to give it a try but always seem to convince myself that the seasoning packs from the store were more convenient.  But their really not!  It took me no time to mix my seasonings together & believe it or not guys, it tasted SOOO much better then the store bought packs! NO LIE! And I know exactly what's going into it!

 If you guys love a good but healthy taco night like my family & I do or even if you eat tacos once a week, your body could benefit from trying your very own homemade taco seasoning!  You don't need a lot of seasonings either & I actually had a lot of the seasonings already in my Lazy Susan!

So here's what I used: black pepper, kosher salt, smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, & chili powder!  You can also throw in some red pepper flakes for an added spice!  I added about a tablespoon of the ground cumin, garlic powder, smoked paprika, kosher salt, & black pepper, then I did 1/2 cup of chili powder & 1/4 cup of onion powder.  But you can really add as much or less as you see fit by doing the taste test! :) Another good idea is making enough for more then one meal & putting it in a jar so you have quick & easy access to it, especially if you make tacos as much as we do HAHA!  So if you're looking to have a taco night soon you should definitely give this homemade taco seasoning a try, you'll never go back to the old thing!!

In my very lean ground beef I also added tomatoes, onions, & beans!  I love getting fancy with my taco meat, LOL!  If you guys give it a try, I would love to know how your meals turn out!! Share Below! :)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Join Our Team!

Becoming a Beachbody Coach

Becoming a Beachbody coach has been one of the best things that could of ever happen to my husband & I!  Beachbody has taught us so much about ourselves and has helped us grow as individuals & in our marriage!  The fact that we can do this together makes it that much more special!  But you want to know the main reason I love Beachbody & all that it stands for?  It’s the team around me! I would not be anything if it wasn’t for the team my husband  & I have built.  A Fit Family is more than just a team though, we are exactly what our name stands for, a FAMILY!  A Fit Family is a group of motivated individuals who all have the same goal, helping others while building a business!  We are encouragers, we encourage others each and every day to achieve their own health & fitness goals, or business goals if that’s what their hearts desire!  Together we work as a team to help one another succeed, no one is left behind to struggle or figure things out on their own.  We all help one another to be the best that we can be, because without each other none of us would be successful!

Can You Be a Beachbody Coach?

ABSOLUTELY!!  Many times people think that have to already have a “Beachbody” to be a Beachbody Coach!  Well I’m here to tell you, that is absolutely not true!!  Majority of my team did not start off with a Beachbody because that’s not realistic!  We are all on the same journey when it comes to our health & fitness & we’re doing it TOGETHER!  We are all working together to achieve that Beachbody that we all desire to have!  We are not perfect because that isn’t realistic! We are human, we all have the same struggles, & we are all motivating each other to be the best we can be!

Another common misconception is that in order to build a successful Beachbody business, you have to be a business WIZ!  Well that’s not true either!!  You don’t have to know a thing about business to make this a successful business!  The beauty of this being YOUR business, is that you learn as you go!  You learn what works best for you & your business!  And not to mention all of the tools you need to succeed have already been created for you, everything has already been mapped out for your success!  We have a ton of team training's, documents, one on one calls & training's, so that you don’t have to be a KNOW IT ALL when it comes to business ANYTHING!  We have some amazing top coaches that are extremely successful and have already figured what works & what doesn’t!  And GUESS WHAT?!  They pass it down to you!! J  I will provide you with absolutely everything you need to make this a successful business!

Is Beachbody a Get Rich Quick Scheme/Pyramid Scheme????

ABSOLUTELY NOT!! And no one will tell you otherwise!!  Do you know what a Get Rich Quick Scheme is?  It's basically a shady business that is not set up to last!  You may get rich quick but will you STAY rich?  Do you know what a pyramid scheme is?  Well for one, it is ILLEGAL!  It's basically an illegal set up where you make money for simply recruiting others without selling a product & in the long run get screwed while the person at the top makes all the money & the person at the bottom is still BROKE!  Beachbody is the complete opposite! Beachbody would not be as successful as it is without the success of their coaches so they have designed a way for every person to be able to make it to the top, not just one person! Every coach is given the same exact opportunity as the other, which is why Beachbody is such a successful company! If you want success in this business, then you have to put in the work! PLAIN & SIMPLE!  There’s no sugarcoating it!  Building a successful business will take a lot of hard work, determination, and perseverance but if you’re in it to win it, then you have what it takes to make this business a success!

Have you ever felt like you were meant for something greater?  

That you were meant for more then to just pay bills & die?  That you were meant for more than just working your butt off while the people at the top made all the real money?  US TOO!!  My husband & I have always felt that we were meant to do something amazing with our lives, but wasn’t really sure what that amazing thing was!  It has been a blessing to have found Beachbody at just the right time in our lives!  We have so much more freedom then we ever had or knew was even possible, not just financial freedom, but freedom from a boss, a job that ties us down for hours a day!  We are able to spend more time together as family while working in the comfort of our own home, TOGETHER!  We are able to travel more & go on vacations that were always on our bucket list but honestly were never attainable!  We can set our family up for success so that our kids have all the opportunities their hearts desire!  And the craziest thing is, we can do ALL of this while being able to help others do it too!!

I Want To Hear From You! 

What could you do with an extra $500 a week?  How much would an extra $2000 a month help you and your family?  If you KNOW that you were meant for something greater, that you want to create financial freedom, independence, be your own boss, work when you want from wherever you want, & do EXACTLY what you LOVE but put in the work to get there at the same time!  I’m here to tell you, that all those things are POSSIBLE for you!  If you’re reading this & feel like all these thing could be you, I want to hear from you!! 

Email me at:  or fill out the form at the bottom right so we can connect!  I look forward to hearing from you!!  


Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Contact Me

If you've been looking for support in your own health & fitness journey, PLEASE do not hesitate to reach out!  I am here to help in any way possible!!  Together WE can work through anything!

Instagram: SWashingtonFitness

Create a Free Beachbody Membership account at Lets Connect!